
7 advantages of business intelligence

advantages of business intelligenceThere are 7 main advantage of business intelligence that will provide value to the company are as follows:

1. Consolidation of information with business intelligence run inside the company, the data will be processed in a single platform and distributed in the form of useful information (meaningful) to the entire organization. In the absence of information asymmetry, collaboration and consolidation in the enterprise can be strengthened. With consolidation, it was possible in the manufacture of cross-functional and corporate-wide reports. Though it must be admitted, is also able to benefit provided by the ERP software.

2. In-depth reporting Software Business Process Management (BPM) is able to provide reports and analysis, but it is quite simple and just opposite the internal condition. While the Bank is able to provide information on issues larger businesses at the strategic level.

3. Customized Graphic User Interface (GUI) Some ERP is trying to create a user friendly GUI, but business intelligence step further by providing a GUI customization facility. So that the GUI is far from being technically and provide views of the business in accordance with the wishes of each user.

4. It's a bit of a technical problem due to its user-friendly operating minimize the possibility of user error, and business intelligence is the only software on the top layer (information processing) and not the business process management.

5. Lower procurement costs because business intelligence software that works only on the top layer of information processing, its software prices are not as expensive as ERP. Acquisition costs became cheaper than the ERP. Moreover, today many are also supported by the open source business intelligence products.

6. Flexible business intelligence databases opened the possibility to collaborate with ERP as a supplier of databases that will be processed into reports and scorecards, but BI can also work from the database are made separately. Business intelligence also be open for use by professional analysts and researchers, the database is processed are secondary.

7. Responsiveness other business intelligence properties not owned by the ERP is in terms of speed (responsiveness). For example, in calculating the service level as one of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI). business intelligence functionality will alert the user before the lower limit in the service level (lower limit) is exceeded. As a result, the problem can be addressed before it actually surfaced. One example pad responsive nessa healthcare industry, the use of business intelligence credited with preventing the spread of a disease / epidemic widely (outbreak).

Data Warehousing to Business Intelligence Solution

Data Warehousing - in simple terms refer to the database used for reporting and analyzing the data of a company. The data in an enterprise is usually obtained from the entire organization including the HR department, Marketing, Sales, Customer Support, storage, and administration. Some cases the raw data can experience a small degree of pre-processing before being used for reporting.

Traditional Data Warehousing (a data warehousing that operates on the mechanism of extract-transform-load), Home button functionality using staging, integration and access to a separate layer.

In raw data integration layer that is stored in an integrated staging area to turn it into a form suitable for analysis and stored in the database data warehousing. The data stored in the data warehouse database arranged in hierarchical groups, which can be accessed by the user through the access layer. Each's data warehouse often divided into data marts, which stores a subset of the data is integrated in warehousing. The main purpose of the data warehouse to store the data in a format suitable for analysis by the user using a variety of techniques, including OLAP and data mining.

Data Warehousing initial used by an organization operating offline data warehousing. In the warehousing, data are updated regularly (every two weeks, weekly or monthly) of the operating system and stored in a format-oriented reports. In the next stage of the evolution of the data warehouse will appear offline.

In the offline data warehousing, data are updated regularly from operational systems and data structures stored designed to help the process of reporting it offline later evolved into the online Integrated Data warehousing which are updated in real-time to record every transaction made at the data source. Further evolution has resulted in the creation of an integrated data warehouse that compiles data obtained from the various departments of the company to provide users with real-time access to actionable intelligence of the entire organization. Leading enterprise data warehousing solutions, including Accenture, IBM, Igate and Infobright.

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Business Intelligence System Architecture

According to Inmon (2002) quoted by Niu (2009), in general business intelligence system architecture have consists of four levels of components and meta data management module. The components interact to facilitate basic functions of business intelligence: extract data the companys operating system, save the data that has been extracted into the data warehouse and interesting data stored for a variety of business analysis applications.

1. Operating system level.
As the data source of business intelligence systems, business operating systems generally use a system of online transaction processing (OLTP) to support daily business activities, in general OLTP system is customer order entry systems, financial systems, and human resource systems. Operating system level.

2. Level data acquisition.
At this level is a pre-process component consists of three stages: extraction, transformation, and insert (ETL). A company has several OLTP systems that generate a very large amount of data. The data are first extracted from the OLTP system by ETL processes and then transformed according to the transformation rules. If the data has been transformed, the data are entered into the data warehouse. ETL is a basic component of business intelligence systems for quality data from other components depending on the ETL process. In the design and development of ETL, data quality, system flexibility and speed of the process is a major concern.

3. Level data storage.
Data that has been processed by ETL components are stored in a data warehouse, which is usually implemented using traditional database management system (RDMS). RDMS is designed to support the transaction process, in contrast to the focus on the subject of data warehouse, a variant of time and stored in an integrated way. Star schema and snowflake schema data warehouse is the most popular. Whatever scheme is used, the type of tables in a data warehouse is the fact tables and dimension tables.

4. Analytical level.
Based on the data warehouse, a wide range of analytical applications have been developed. Business intelligence system supports two basic types in analytical functions: reporting and online analytical processing (OLAP). Reporting function provides managers of various types of business reports such as sales reports, product reports, and reports of human resources. Reports generated from running queries into the data warehouse. Data warehouse queries in general has been defined by the data warehouse developers. Reports generated by the business intelligence system usually has a static format and contains the exact data type. See also Business intelligence report or 7 advantages of business intelligence.


Intelligence software systems for strategic business

Intelligence software systems for strategic business ~ Recorded data currently covers many aspects of life, ranging from activity in cell phones, computers, transportation data, financial transactions, and so on. It requires a lot of data collected quickly. Hardware-based business intelligence (BI) / Business Intelligence could be a solution for corporations by offering the ability to analyze the data set quickly and manage it becomes a matter for future business decisions.

Business Intelligence functionality for large data management can benefit your business by converting raw data into something that could be used and useful to define business policies on the run. No doubt the fact that 24 percent of employees of the company are now using business intelligence software in the analysis. The adoption rate for field staff is 43 percent and increased by 10 percent than in 2009. This is consistent with the results of a survey of business intelligence Scorecard released in 2012.
Intelligence software

Business actors acknowledge the importance of the use of the intelligence software of business to make decisions Intelligence business operations. The decision was taken after analyzing the all the data that has been collected using Business Intelligence tools. Variant Business Intelligence tools are very stout on offer, ranging from support for the management of customer profile, market segmentation intelligence tool for research, to tools for statistical data analysis. The use of BI tools, appropriate operational activities will increase efficiency and ROI (Return On Investment) company (case study).

Adoption of BI enables companies can process data from various sources (either from a spreadsheet, the data from the Internet, CRM, cloud applications and so on) and get a better understanding of it. To gain an understanding of the important data visualization. When the data has been processed into a visual form will be much easier to understand. This visualization can be designed to be able to always display the most recent data collection. It depends on the dashboard which is used for enterprise BI solutions. Business Intelligence dashboards Interactive that can be an option that can be used to perform filtering desired information.

The results can be achieved with a business intelligence solution is to provide a great ROI for the company. Once the system is up and running Business Intelligence with the help of analytical tools or the like, the company can easily measure the user base, websites, sales, advertising, conversion, and other information related to the convergence of the company. Help real time reports or data visualization will allow the company to make decisions and future business policies.

Business Intelligence in the world education

Business Intelligence in the world education ~ What intelligence business relation with the world of education? Many schools which eventually merged with the larger school quality and quantity of teachers and the condition of the building.

Business Intelligence in the world educationThe parents and guardians of students in modern times has been able to assess which schools are good for them, plus government regulation that requires a minimum number of students of a primary school.

Business intelligence here is as explained in the beginning that bus
iness intelligence is not just about how to use technology as a marketing medium, and so forth, but as where data exist and can be obtained by elementary school on the distribution of school-age children around the area of the elementary school to want to go to school in a place that is close to the home of the student.

The importance of the role of teachers in the use of the Business Intelligence mainly in managerial functions that are used by teachers and principle for in identifying, creating, distributing, and presenting strategies strategies that will be used to gain the trust of the parents, and investors (for private elementary school) were finally used to develop quality school outside the government grants.

Building infrastructure for strategic business intelligence reporting

Building infrastructure for strategic business intelligence reporting ~ Basically Business intelligence is the process of creating new knowledge within an organization. New knowledge means knowledge generated is the knowledge that is really new or not previously found in the old inventory knowledge.

Business Intelligence must have the property that has high accuracy, focusing on a field, the corresponding dimensionless time, the vision of the future, can be applied and responsive to the needs of management. Intelligence is not the monopoly of the top-level management course. Intelligence can be produced and needed by all levels of management. Business intelligence can be applied to the following business objectives, in order to drive business value.

Building infrastructure for strategic business intelligence reporting1. Measurement - application / software that is able to create a hierarchy of performance and benchmarking metrics that inform business leaders about the progress toward business goals.

2. Analytics - application / software that is able to build quantitative processes for businesses to arrive at optimal decisions and to do business knowledge discovery. In this analysis process, often involving: data mining, process of data, statistical analysis, predictive analytics, predictive modeling, business process modeling, processing complex information and prescriptive analysis.

3. Reporting - application / software that is able to build the infrastructure for strategic reporting to serve the strategic management of the business, not the operational reporting. Often involve data visualization, executive information systems and OLAP

4. Collaboration / collaboration platform - application / software that is able to get a different area (both inside and outside the business) to cooperate through data sharing and exchange of electronic data.

5. Knowledge management - application / software that is able to create a data driven enterprise through strategies and practices to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experience true business knowledge
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