
Business Intelligence Report

Business intelligence reporting and data warehousing are two different things but can hardly be separated . Data warehouse business intelligence  ways on how the data is stored in a large and diverse one repository and so arranged that facilitate the search , while the business intelligence is a technology used to present these data to facilitate analysis and decision-making Based on the accurate information of data source. A good Business intelligence solution requires a data source is a data warehouse .

Business intelligence reports was born to meet the challenges that can not be met by the reporting standards , which are related to four issues of accessibility , timeliness , format , data integrity . Business intelligence has a direct connection to the data warehouse so that accessibility and timeliness make things that can be done . Users always have access to the information needed ( accessibility ) quickly ( timeliness ) .

Business intelligence provides our freedom to the users to define the format of the report will, while the data integrity met by business intelligence data warehouse where it is executed . One of the advantages of business intelligence is to pamper users with data structures that facilitate the creation of the report is self-service in terms of dimensions and measures .
Business Intelligence Report

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