
Building infrastructure for strategic business intelligence reporting

Building infrastructure for strategic business intelligence reporting ~ Basically Business intelligence is the process of creating new knowledge within an organization. New knowledge means knowledge generated is the knowledge that is really new or not previously found in the old inventory knowledge.

Business Intelligence must have the property that has high accuracy, focusing on a field, the corresponding dimensionless time, the vision of the future, can be applied and responsive to the needs of management. Intelligence is not the monopoly of the top-level management course. Intelligence can be produced and needed by all levels of management. Business intelligence can be applied to the following business objectives, in order to drive business value.

Building infrastructure for strategic business intelligence reporting1. Measurement - application / software that is able to create a hierarchy of performance and benchmarking metrics that inform business leaders about the progress toward business goals.

2. Analytics - application / software that is able to build quantitative processes for businesses to arrive at optimal decisions and to do business knowledge discovery. In this analysis process, often involving: data mining, process of data, statistical analysis, predictive analytics, predictive modeling, business process modeling, processing complex information and prescriptive analysis.

3. Reporting - application / software that is able to build the infrastructure for strategic reporting to serve the strategic management of the business, not the operational reporting. Often involve data visualization, executive information systems and OLAP

4. Collaboration / collaboration platform - application / software that is able to get a different area (both inside and outside the business) to cooperate through data sharing and exchange of electronic data.

5. Knowledge management - application / software that is able to create a data driven enterprise through strategies and practices to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experience true business knowledge

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