
Business Intelligence in the world education

Business Intelligence in the world education ~ What intelligence business relation with the world of education? Many schools which eventually merged with the larger school quality and quantity of teachers and the condition of the building.

Business Intelligence in the world educationThe parents and guardians of students in modern times has been able to assess which schools are good for them, plus government regulation that requires a minimum number of students of a primary school.

Business intelligence here is as explained in the beginning that bus
iness intelligence is not just about how to use technology as a marketing medium, and so forth, but as where data exist and can be obtained by elementary school on the distribution of school-age children around the area of the elementary school to want to go to school in a place that is close to the home of the student.

The importance of the role of teachers in the use of the Business Intelligence mainly in managerial functions that are used by teachers and principle for in identifying, creating, distributing, and presenting strategies strategies that will be used to gain the trust of the parents, and investors (for private elementary school) were finally used to develop quality school outside the government grants.

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