
Data Warehousing to Business Intelligence Solution

Data Warehousing - in simple terms refer to the database used for reporting and analyzing the data of a company. The data in an enterprise is usually obtained from the entire organization including the HR department, Marketing, Sales, Customer Support, storage, and administration. Some cases the raw data can experience a small degree of pre-processing before being used for reporting.

Traditional Data Warehousing (a data warehousing that operates on the mechanism of extract-transform-load), Home button functionality using staging, integration and access to a separate layer.

In raw data integration layer that is stored in an integrated staging area to turn it into a form suitable for analysis and stored in the database data warehousing. The data stored in the data warehouse database arranged in hierarchical groups, which can be accessed by the user through the access layer. Each's data warehouse often divided into data marts, which stores a subset of the data is integrated in warehousing. The main purpose of the data warehouse to store the data in a format suitable for analysis by the user using a variety of techniques, including OLAP and data mining.

Data Warehousing initial used by an organization operating offline data warehousing. In the warehousing, data are updated regularly (every two weeks, weekly or monthly) of the operating system and stored in a format-oriented reports. In the next stage of the evolution of the data warehouse will appear offline.

In the offline data warehousing, data are updated regularly from operational systems and data structures stored designed to help the process of reporting it offline later evolved into the online Integrated Data warehousing which are updated in real-time to record every transaction made at the data source. Further evolution has resulted in the creation of an integrated data warehouse that compiles data obtained from the various departments of the company to provide users with real-time access to actionable intelligence of the entire organization. Leading enterprise data warehousing solutions, including Accenture, IBM, Igate and Infobright.

img by: shutterstock.com

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